Saturday, October 17, 2015

Dog Agility Week Five: Training the Agility Open Tunnel

Hello everyone!

This week we will take a look at one of my most favorite obstacles in dog agility, the open tunnel.  This obstacle can be handled and used in so many ways that the training for it is open to so many opportunities.  Although the tunnel can be used in many advanced ways, in this video we are going to look at it in a very simple, easy to train way.  Remember, the tunnel can be a little scary for dogs at first, so use lots of praise and stay consistent with your training!

For those of you who want to learn more about the tunnel obstacle than just what the video shows, keep reading.

The tunnel is used in all agility trials and is a common obstacle that your dog must be familiar with and comfortable with early on.  Once your dog understands the concept of the tunnel, they will be zoomin' through it as quick as possible.  But before we get to that point, you have to start somewhere.  In this video you will see how I begin with the tunnel scrunched up, in a straight line.  You want the dog to be able to see the end of the tunnel and for the dog to see that it always leads out and they will never be trapped inside.  This is important in order to establish their confidence.  Keep in mind not to rush things, even if that means it takes a few days before you can open up the tunnel a little more.  Once your dog is comfortable with the short tunnel, begin to un-scrunch the tunnel to make it longer.  Do this gradually and train your dog to drive through the tunnel.  (To see how to teach them to drive through an obstacle, watch this video - an introduction to jumping)  Once the dog is driving through the completely extended, straight tunnel, it is time to add some curves.  Gently curve one end of the tunnel and add more curve when you and your dog feel ready.  Remember, at agility trials, the tunnels can be straight or curved, so it is important for your dog to be comfortable with it both ways!

I hope you were able to find this video helpful and remember to leave any questions below! 


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