Sunday, October 4, 2015

Dog Agility Week Three: Front Cross, Blind Cross and Rear Cross

Hi Everyone!
In this week's video, we will be looking at another fundamental handling technique used in dog agility.  The front cross, blind cross, and rear cross are the most used and most important handling techniques for you and your dog to know.  In the video, you will see that I used them with only two jumps, when in reality, these crosses are used with any and every obstacle.  It is important that once your dog understands the concept that you practice them with every obstacle.

Front Cross
To train the front cross, begin without any obstacles and place your off-leash dog on either side of you (just remember to practice with the dog on both sides).  Then cross in front of your dog and you will end up on the opposite side of them.  (So if your dog was on your left and first, now your dog will be on your right!)  This cross is used so that you will not lose sight of your dog when having to switch sides.  Continue training this without any obstacles and build up speed and distance.  When you are ready for obstacle, I recommend setting up two jumps in the same way as I did in the video.

Blind Cross
To train the blind cross, begin as you did with the front cross, but this time when you go to switch sides, do it in front of your dog and do not turn into them.  Remember that when you use the blind cross, you do have to be ahead of your dog.

Rear Cross
To train the rear cross, send your dog forward for a treat or toy placed on the ground and while you are behind them, switch sides.  This is helpful for when you are running a course and you do not have enough time to get in front of your dog for a front or blind cross.

I hope you find this helpful and leave any questions below!

Happy Training


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