Sunday, September 27, 2015

Dog Agility Week Two: The Pause Table

Hi everyone!

This week we will look at the Pause Table, another fundamental obstacle and skill that your new agility dog should learn.  The Pause Table is used in standard AKC courses and it is a unique obstacle.  The requirements for the pause table are as follows: the dog must jump up on the table and hold a stay as the judge counts for five seconds.  The handler may not touch the dog nor the table during the entire time.  Technically,  the dog does not have to perform a down or sit on the table for AKC Agility, but it is recommended.

In this video, you will see the beginning to end steps on how to train your dog on the Pause Table obstacle.  Remember to reward your dog frequently and take the training slow.  Continue to practice this even throughout your agility career and feel free to add challenges for you and your dog.

I hope you enjoy the video and find it helpful!

Happy training!


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