Saturday, December 12, 2015

Working with Strider using a Tunnel and Dog Walk

Hello Everyone,

This weekend I decided to head out to my local agility training club to use some equipment that I don't own in order to get some more practice in with Strider.  Whenever I come out here to do my own training, I usually center my focus around the larger contact obstacles that I do not own, including the dog walk and A-frame.  Although this trip I did work with the A-frame, I mainly focused my training on the dog walk, like you see in the video.  Even though Strider is completely confident on the dog walk, the extra practice never hurts and I like to try different variations with it, like shown in the video.

Feel free to try these techniques with your dog at home and read through the following tips if needed.

To start off, I placed a 15ft tunnel underneath the dog walk with the opening near the entrance to the DW in order to increase the difficulty for my dog, this exercise is not just about your dog listening to the correct cue word, it is also about whether or not you use the correct body language when directing your dog to the obstacle you want him to take.  If you make a mistake while trying this out, always look down to where your feet are pointing, because usually the direction that your feet are pointing is what will cause your dog to take the obstacle they did.  This exercise can get a little frustrating if your dog repeatedly takes the wrong obstacle, so always remember that your body language is what they are paying attention to more than the word you are saying!

I hope this helps!

Happy training!

Strider ready to run while carefully staying in his 2on 2off contact

Strider descending from the dog walk

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