Saturday, February 6, 2016

Double Box Drill with Strider

Hello everyone!

In this week’s video I will be utilizing a jump box drill that I did at my Handling 2 class last week.  This box drill is helpful because it helps you practice creating lines for your dog in order for them to have a smoother run.  Front crosses, blind crosses, and rear crosses can all be utilized with this drill, and it is important to find what best works for you depending on the sequence you are doing.

Seven jumps are used and set up in two boxes that share one of the jumps.  A tunnel,  teeter (in the video), or weave poles is also used and should be set up outside of the boxes.  This drill is also helpful because you can practice start line stays in not only straight line, but at angles as well.

In the video, you will see how I handled the jumps with two different sequences and how I made use of front crosses, blind crosses, and rear crosses within those sequences.  Also, just because I use a certain cross in a sequence, doesn’t mean you have to do it the same; it is important to handle this drill in a way that works for you and your dog.  I like this drill because you can create so many sequences out of it and the possibilities are virtually endless.  Remember when you practice this with your dog to always create ‘lines’ for them and use your entire body to help indicate where you want them to go next.  Also, never forget to reward your dog and keep it fun!

Thanks for watching!


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