Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Front Crosses with Strider & Goliath

Hello everyone!

This week I decided to work on some front crosses with Strider and Goliath because in the past I have struggled with the timing of my front crosses.  A front cross is something that must be perfectly timed in order to get the most out of it.  If you are unsure on how to perform a front cross, please refer back to my earlier video where I demonstrate how to do one in a basic setting.

Anyways, I tend to struggle more on my timing when I am working with Strider because he has such a long stride and he is much quicker than I am so it can be difficult to get ahead of him (something that is crucial for a good front cross).  On the other hand, when it comes to running Goliath, my front crosses are usually pretty good and effective due to his slower speed and smaller stride. 

In order to get a good front cross, I have discovered that good timing is not the only helpful thing, but rather the act of letting the dog know that there will be a front cross before it even happens.  For example, some people use a verbal cue to let the dog know that they will be doing a front cross.  For myself, I don't use a verbal cue, but instead I raise the arm that I will be switching to as the dog is taking the jump that we will be crossing after.  This lets the dog know where we will be going before we actually get there.

Over all, remember to always practice often and make it a fun time for you and your dog!


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