Thursday, April 21, 2016

20 Time Presentation: Part 1

Hello everyone,

For this week’s blogpost, I am going to be discussing the beginnings of what I will be discussing for my 20 Time presentation/Ted talk presentation.  In my presentation I am going to be discussing my purpose for this project and all that I have accomplished or learned.  

To begin, my project goal was to create and upload videos to a YouTube channel that help people learn how to train their dog for agility.  I wanted to do this project because I feel like there aren’t many free online training resources for people like me who have a passion for training.  Even though I don’t know everything there is to know about agility training, I have been learning for the past 2 years and I wanted to be able to share my knowledge with others.  Throughout my time completing this 20 Time project I have learned more agility and become better at my personal training skills.  I have gone to more trials, met other experienced agility trainers, and expanded my knowledge in the dog training world.  Even though I have so much more to learn, I have greatly enjoyed being able to make videos based on what I do know.  

So far, it can be hard to measure my direct accomplishments other than just looking at my YouTube channel.  Over the course of the past months, I have worked on making good videos and I have tried to upload them regularly in order to make my channel a good resource for other trainers.  I have about 10 subscribers and although that doesn’t seem like many, I am happy that I could provide something that 10 people in this world find interesting or entertaining.  To me, this is an accomplishment and I hope to have my channel grow and to be able to reach out to others over time.

Happy training!


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