Monday, April 18, 2016

Pinwheels and 180s Practice

Hello everyone!

This week I decided to work on a sequence that includes 180°s and pinwheels.  I wanted to do a sequence with variety and with some things that I will most likely see in my agility trial this Saturday.  

With AKC courses, 180°s and pinwheels are VERY common to see, so if you will be competing in these venues, it will be necessary to be good at these skills and gain the important experience before you compete.  For myself, I love 180°s because they can be handled in a variety of ways they tend to be easy for the dogs to follow and a fun part of the course to run with them.  On the other hand, pinwheels are not my favorite thing because I tend to see a reduction in speed from my dogs; however, I want to work on them to hopefully increase their speed and perform better at shows.

A 180° is set up most commonly with 2 jumps but other obstacles can be involved.  The jumps are lined up next to each other so that the dog jumps in a 180° fashion around the jumps.  (see in picture below for setup)

A pinwheel is set up the way it sounds and it is also most commonly done with 3 jumps, but it can have other equipment incorporated in.  (see in picture below for setup)

Both of these are very important to practice and important to incorporate into your foundation work when training your dog.  However, these exercises are still important to practice even once you are competing.  Remember, even the best of trainers and handlers never stop working on their foundations, they just build on them.

Happy training!



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